Types of Las Vegas Car Accident Injuries That Require Extensive Treatment

If you’re like most people, your chief memory is your newLas Vegas Car Accident Lawyers Jones WIlson sense of freedom. You could finally go wherever you wanted, whenever you wanted, without the hassle of dealing with anyone else’s schedules. You remember being absolutely carefree, as if nothing could get you down.

Unfortunately, years later – maybe just as your daughter is about to get her own license – you realize that freedom comes with a dangerous price. Although being able to drive is wonderful, and you wouldn’t deprive your daughter of that essential skill, you’re scared to death that she will get injured in an accident. Thankfully, the several collisions you’ve experienced over the years were at times when she wasn’t in the car, but knowing the personal pain that can come from a collision makes your paranoia that much worse.

You know you can’t protect her 100 percent of the time, but you have to make sure that she knows her risks…even if you don’t want to think about them.

Common Car Collision Risks and Injuries

Although not all collision injuries are fatal, unless you’re lucky enough to survive without any harm, even the smallest injury can be painful. Unfortunately, the likelihood of coming out of a car accident unscathed is pretty low.

The majority of traffic collisions cause anything from minor bruising and muscle strains to severe long-term injuries, including:

Impact injuries.

Bruising, lacerations, or broken bones due to vehicle or cargo impact.

Neck or spinal cord injuries.

Whiplash, paralysis, or chronic back pain due to crushing of the vertebrae.

Head and brain injuries.

Brain hemorrhages, concussions, and coma due to severe blows to the head or impact force.

Abdominal and pelvic injuries

Including spleen, kidneys, and liver injuries, as well as broken pelvises due to front or side impacts.

Ruptured organs

Including intestines, stomach, liver, etc., due to impact force and penetration injuries.


Although most common in motorcycle accidents, limbs can be severed by jagged debris or devastating collision forces in any vehicular crash.

Psychological trauma

Increased anxiety, nervousness and fear of cars or travel,

It is no secret that drunk driving accidents are all too common in Henderson and the Las Vegas area. If you are the victim of a drunk driver, you can suffer life-altering injuries that require long-term medical care and limit your ability to work. When filing your claim for compensation, you need to know the types of compensation you are entitled to under Nevada law so that you receive all that you deserve in a settlement.

Medical Expenses That Should Be Reimbursed by the at-Fault Driver

If you suffer injuries in a drunk driving accident, you are entitled to be reimbursed by the negligent driver for your medical expenses. As with the other types of compensation that you should receive, you can obtain both your past and future medical expenses in your settlement.

It will be important to wait until you reach maximum medical improvement to determine your medical expenses. This is the stage in your medical treatment where you have fully recovered or have recovered as much as you will and have received a final prognosis from your doctor. You cannot accurately calculate your future medical needs until you reach this stage in your recovery.

You are entitled to many different types of medical expenses that may include the following:

  • Ambulance bill
  • Hospitalization
  • Surgery
  • Doctor visits
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Medications
  • Assistive aids, such as a wheelchair, walker, and cane
  • Assistive modifications at your home, such as installing a wheelchair ramp
  • Home medical care and personal care aide to help with your daily activities
  • Travel expenses if you must travel to receive medical care
  • Lost Wages Include More Than Just Your Paycheck

If you are off work while you are recovering, you are entitled to be compensated for the income you lost and will lose in the future. Be sure to include these types of earnings:

  • Wages
  • Vacation and sick time benefits
  • Commissions
  • Bonuses
  • Other perks of your job
  • Lost earning capacity if you must make a career change or are permanently disabled due to your injuries
  • Drunk Drivers May Be Ordered to Pay Punitive Damages

You are not automatically entitled to punitive damages if you are hurt by a drunk driver. These damages are awarded to punish the drunk driver and deter others from taking similar actions. You must prove that the drunk driver’s actions involved fraud, malice, or oppression. Malicious conduct is defined as actions intended to injure someone or despicable conduct engaged in with a conscious disregard of the rights or safety of others.

It can be easier to prove that you should receive punitive damages in a drunk driving accident than other types of car accidents because driving while intoxicated is considered to be an egregious offense.

Punitive damages are capped in Nevada at the following amounts:

  • $300,000 if your damages are under $100,000
  • Three times the amount of your compensatory damages if your award is $100,000 or more
  • Additional Compensation You May Be Owed After a Nevada Car Crash

Depending on the particulars of your accident, you may also be entitled to the following:

Property Damages

You should be reimbursed for the cost to repair or replace your vehicle and any damaged property in it. You can also request towing costs and car rental fees in your settlement.

Pain and Suffering

Another type of compensation in a drunk driving accident is for the pain and suffering you experienced due to your injuries. Unlike the other types of damages discussed above, pain and suffering compensation is not based on your out-of-pocket expenses. Because of this, it can be impossible to value this portion of your claim without the assistance of an experienced car accident attorney.

How to Maximize the Compensation You Receive

The best way you can ensure that your legal rights are protected and that you receive all that you deserve in settlement of your claim is to retain an experienced Henderson lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. He can collect the evidence you need to prove the other driver’s negligence, help you avoid mistakes that could weaken your case, and negotiate your settlement.

Have You Been Injured By A Drunk Driver?

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, our experienced car accident attorneys are here to help. We will aggressively fight for the compensation you deserve. To learn more about your options and to see our track record in these cases, contact us online or call our Henderson office directly at 702.405.6000 to schedule your free consultation.

Related Links:

Drunk Driving Accidents in Henderson
Important Steps to Take After a Drunk Driving Accident
Proving Fault in a Henderson Drunk Driving Accident

Help for Better Health and Financial Recovery

It is plain to see that Las Vegascar accidents have the potential to cause serious and lasting harm, no matter who caused them. This means that even if the accident wasn’t your fault, you’ll still wind up paying the consequences.

We don’t think that’s fair!

Have You Been Involved In A Car Accident?

If you’ve been injured in a car accident you need to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer in Henderson as soon as possible. Call us directly at 702.405.6000 to schedule a free initial consultation.

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Finding the right lawyer to represent your injury case can be extremely frustrating. However, with 35 years worth of experience and insider knowledge of how insurance companies work, the Jones Wilson law firm stands out from the crowd. Other attorneys pick and choose their clients based on case notoriety, but we’re here to help you, no matter how large or small your case.
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