If you were hurt in an automobile accident, you may be tempted to try to negotiate your settlement with the negligent driver’s insurance company on your own to save money. However, this would be a mistake. You could inadvertently do something that actually reduces the value of your claim and lose out on the benefit of having the advice and assistance of an experienced car accident attorney.
What an Auto Accident Attorney Can Do for You
Hiring an attorney can be critical to increasing the likelihood that you will receive what you deserve from the negligent driver’s insurance company. The first benefit you will most likely receive is a free consultation to have your questions answered and learn how the lawyer can help you. Once you hire an attorney, he can be helpful in many ways, including the following:
Determining the value of your claim.
An experienced attorney who has handled many cases like yours can give you an approximate value of your claim at your initial consultation. He will also have a better understanding of the true value of your claim after conducting an investigation of your wreck and determining the extent of your injuries.
Communicating with the insurance company.
An attorney can handle all communications with the insurance adjuster for the negligent driver to ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to.
Obtaining evidence.
An attorney can thoroughly investigate your accident, preserve important evidence, and hire expert witnesses when necessary so that you can prove your claim—vital to obtaining compensation for your injuries.
Obtaining medical records and reports.
Having complete medical records and a doctor’s report that provides the correct information regarding your injuries is a vital component of your proof of the amount you should receive. An attorney can collect your documents, work with your doctor, and be certain nothing is missing.
Pursuing all liable parties.
An attorney can identify all potentially responsible parties and pursue settlement negotiations with them so that you receive the full amount you are owed.
Negotiating your settlement.
Your attorney can negotiate your settlement for you. He should have experience anticipating insurance adjuster arguments and have strategies to defeat them—again helpful to maximize your settlement.
Filing a lawsuit.
If your attorney is unable to negotiate a fair settlement for you, he can file a lawsuit before the statute of limitations—the time period to sue—expires.
Have You Been Involved In A Car Accident?
If you’ve been injured in a car accident you need to speak with an experienced Car Accident Attorney in Henderson as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our Henderson office directly at 702.405.6000 to schedule a free initial consultation.