When a negligent driver causes your car accident, an important piece of information you need to know right away is his insurance policy limits. This will be the maximum amount that his insurance company is responsible for paying you no matter how injured you are. Unfortunately, some insurance companies not only refuse to cooperate in settling your claim, but also will not tell you how much insurance coverage the negligent driver has.
What to Do When the Negligent Driver’s Insurance Company Won’t Disclose His Policy Limits
Knowing the negligent driver’s policy limits can affect many of your decisions regarding your claim. It could determine the value of your case, whether there is enough insurance to cover your medical expenses and lost wages, and whether you need to make a claim under your own underinsured insurance coverage. The bottom line is that you cannot make an informed decision on settling your claim with his insurance company if you do not know his policy limits. Here’s how to find out this crucial information when the insurance company won’t voluntarily tell you:
Ask the driver.
If the other driver is not represented by an attorney, you can contact him directly and ask that he provide this information. While he is under no obligation to disclose this to you, if you tell them that you plan to file a lawsuit if necessary to obtain this information, this could convince him to provide you with this information.
Write a demand letter.
You can send a demand letter to the negligent driver’s insurance company demanding this information or offering to settle your claim for the policy limit if they provide proof of the insurance limits and that the other driver has no other assets to pay you. If you plan to write a demand letter, it is best to hire an experienced car accident attorney to do this for you.
Ask your insurance company to obtain this information.
If you have underinsured or uninsured automobile coverage, your insurance company may be willing to contact the negligent driver’s insurance company to obtain this information for you. His insurance adjuster may be more willing to provide this information to your insurance company.
File a lawsuit.
An attorney can file a lawsuit against the negligent driver for you. Once the lawsuit is filed, the insurance company will be obligated to provide your attorney with a copy of the negligent driver’s insurance policy.
If you or a family member was injured in a car accident, your best option is to contact a lawyer to find out the negligent driver’s insurance policy limits and to negotiate your settlement for you. The experienced car accident attorneys at Jones Wilson Injury Lawyers are here to help.
Have You Been Involved In A Car Accident?
If you’ve been injured in a car accident you need to speak with an experienced Henderson car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our Henderson office directly at 702.405.6000 to schedule a free initial consultation.