Aggressive driving and road rage are becoming more of a problem on Nevada roads and highways, but did you know that these are actually two different types of dangerous driving?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as a progression of unlawful driving such as speeding, improper lane changes, and improper passing. Road rage is violent behavior exhibited by a driver at another driver on a roadway. Road rage is a criminal act while aggressive driving is a traffic violation.
Five Ways Victims May Unknowingly Make a Dangerous Situation Worse
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, aggressive driving behavior accounts for over half of all fatalities in accidents. While the aggressive driver may create the problem, the victim can escalate the situation into a possible road rage incident by driving in many different ways:
Driving too slowly.
Driving five miles or more under the speed limit, especially on a highway, can annoy even responsible drivers. This can infuriate an already aggressive driver.
Not allowing others to pass.
When two vehicles are driving next to each other – often at less than the speed limit – this prevents other motorists from passing. If the driver on the left does not move into the other lane when it becomes safe to do so, an aggressive driver may become angry.
Failing to use blinkers when turning.
A driver can frustrate other motorists when he switches lanes without signally or signals suddenly, without giving adequate warning that he’s about to make a lane change or turn.
Using high beam headlights.
A driver can anger and temporarily blind oncoming motorists or drivers in vehicles just in front of him by using high beam headlights.
Using a cellphone.
Talking or texting on a cellphone while driving is dangerous, and it can anger an already impatient driver.
If you witness an aggressive driver who could cause a crash and serious injuries, be sure you engage in safe driving practices to minimize the chance of an accident. However, if you’re injured by an aggressive driver or someone with road rage, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and emotional trauma from the person who was responsible.
Have You Been Involved In A Car Accident?
If you’ve been injured in a car accident you need to speak with an experienced Henderson Car Accident Lawyer as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our Henderson office directly at 702.405.6000 to schedule a free initial consultation.