If you're like most people, your chief memory is your new sense of freedom. You could finally go wherever you wanted, whenever you wanted, without the hassle of dealing with anyone else's schedules. You remember being absolutely carefree, as if nothing could get you...
Car Accidents
Miraculous Survival: A Las Vegas Family’s Story on Friday the 13th
Many people consider Friday the 13th “Black Friday,” as it’s sometimes known to be an unlucky day. Unfortunately, one Las Vegas family simultaneously experienced firsthand a true horror and an unexpected miracle during the last hours of this unlucky day. At...
Why Should You Hire A Car Accident Attorney?
If you’re ever involved in a traffic accident, it’s best to consult a knowledgeable attorney. Professional car accident attorneys can help you deal with any damage you may incur due to the collision. They can also help minimize the documentation required and the...
Everything You Need To Know About Nevada Car Accident Claims And Insurance Coverage
In the July 2017 legislative session, the Nevada Legislature passed Senate Bill 308 (SB 308) which raised the minimum limits of liability for operating a vehicle in Nevada. The minimum limits for automobile insurance had not changed since the 1980's. Prior to July 1,...
Las Vegas And Henderson Residents Often Don’t Purchase the Right Type Of Insurance
As an experienced personal injury attorney helping clients in Las Vegas and Henderson over the last 24 years I have noticed a troubling trend. When purchasing insurance, my personal injury clients continually worry about finding themselves subjected to the...
Henderson Nevada Car Crash Settlement Negotiations
Deciding whether to accept a settlement offer is one of the most important decisions you will make when filing a claim with the negligent driver's insurance company after a car accident. You may feel extremely conflicted if the insurance company makes you a settlement...
What should I do if I was injured in a pedestrian accident?
If you are injured in a pedestrian accident in Henderson, you could suffer life-altering injuries requiring months of medical treatment and time off work—if you are not permanently disabled. Fortunately, you can hold the negligent driver who hit you responsible for...
5 Tips for Your First Call With the Insurance Adjuster for the Negligent Driver Who Caused Your Crash
Even if you make the smart decision to contact an experienced car accident attorney soon after your crash, chances are that you will have at least one conversation with the insurance adjuster for the negligent driver. Insurance adjusters often contact victims when...
Expert Witnesses Can Prove Your Right to Compensation After Your Car Accident
No matter how clear cut the other driver's liability and the seriousness of your injuries are, chances are that his insurance adjuster will find issues to argue about. He may say that you were somehow partially to blame for the collision, or that your injuries are not...
Evidence You Will Need to Prove That the Driver Who Caused Your Crash Was Intoxicated
Were you the victim of a drunk driving accident in Henderson? Are you planning to file a claim for compensation with the negligent driver's insurance company? If so, you have the burden of proving that the motorist was intoxicated and that this was the cause of your...
Why the Other Driver Is Almost Always at Fault in Rear-End Collisions
If you were hurt in a rear-end collision, you may have suffered surprisingly serious injuries like traumatic brain injury or back and neck injuries that could cause you to suffer chronic pain or permanent changes to your reasoning, emotions, and memory. Like with...
Common Ways Uber and Lyft Drivers Cause Accidents
Uber and Lyft are very popular means of transportation for both out-of-town guests and residents in Henderson. It is easy to book a ride through a cellphone app, and these rides can be less expensive than a taxicab. Unfortunately, Uber and Lyft drivers have no special...
What should I do if I have been injured in a car accident with a drunk driver?
Being injured in a car accident in Henderson can be a terrifying experience, especially if it is caused by a drunk driver. You need to take steps right away at the accident scene and in the days afterwards to protect your right to compensation for your injuries....
How Keeping a Diary Can Help in Your Car Accident Case
If you were the victim of a car accident, you may quickly become overwhelmed by the stress of the crash, your injuries, and how to pay your bills. However, remembering the details of how the crash occurred, the treatment you received, and the pain you experience on a...
Why an Accident Reconstruction Expert Could Be Important for Your Claim for Compensation
When the facts of how your auto accident occurred are unclear or there is conflicting versions of what happened, you will have a harder time proving the other driver's negligence in causing your crash. Proving this is crucial to your right to compensation from him. In...
How Could Your Auto Crash Be Re-enacted by an Accident Reconstruction Expert to Prove the Other Driver’s Fault?
Not all car accident cases require the services of an accident reconstruction expert. However, if how your crash occurred is in dispute or you and the other driver have different versions of the events, you may need this type of expert. An accident reconstruction...
What Are the Most Common Ways People Are Burned in Car Fires?
Being trapped in a vehicle that catches on fire following an automobile accident can be a terrifying experience. Unfortunately, the nightmare for victims of these tragic crashes is only beginning. Burns can cause permanent injuries, disfigurement, and scarring that...
Take These Steps If the Negligent Driver’s Insurance Company Won’t Tell You the Policy Limits After Your Car Accident
When a negligent driver causes your car accident, an important piece of information you need to know right away is his insurance policy limits. This will be the maximum amount that his insurance company is responsible for paying you no matter how injured you are....